Wife of Japanese PM attends event organized by Siwag Society  3/2/2010

Wife of Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama, Miyoki Hatoyama attended an event here Tuesday organized by wife of Kuwaiti Ambassador Jamila Al-Otaibi and wives of Arab Ambassadors in Tokyo.
Al-Otaibi welcomed the Japanese woman figure during a luncheon held on her honor and lauded the bilateral relations between Kuwait and Japan, multi lateral relations between Japan and Arab world hoping that relations would be bolstered in the future. Hatoyama attended a small exhibition showcasing the culture of each participating Arab state.

On her part, head of the Siwag Society, wife of Bahraini Ambassador, Dr. Salwa Mahrous stressed that the Arab World and Japan enjoy strong relations which needed to be even further developed.
Hatoyama thanked Al-Otaibi and all those who invited her to the luncheon and exhibition, affirming that Japan would be interested in boosting relations with the Arab world.