Ambassador Al-Otaibi hosts Iftar and lecture in the collaboration with Young Diplomats in Tokyo (YDT)
Kuwaiti Ambassador to Japan H.E. Mr. Abdulrahman Al-Otaibi and Mr. Saad Almehaini, First Secretary at Kuwait Embassy and President of YDT hosted Iftar and lecture to the Diplomats in Tokyo from different regions. Iftar, the first meal after sunset to break the daily fast, is one of the Islamic observances of the holy month of Ramadan.
During the Iftar, Mr. Almehaini, President of YDT, showed his appreciation for H.E. Mr. Al-Otaibi and the members of YDT by saying that this commemorative event was not accomplished without their concerted efforts. Mr. Almehaini also expressed special thanks to Dr. Musa Mohammad Omar, the guest lecturer, for completing the event.
Dr. Omar mentioned how delighted he was to be chosen as the lecturer and delivered the lecture of ‘Objectives of Ramadan’. After listening to the lecture, H.E. Mr. Al-Otaibi concluded with deep feeling that he was very proud to hold the meaningful event with Dr. Omar and the members of YDT for familiarising the principles of Ramadan.