Japan, Kuwait issue joint statement at end of Amir''s visit

In scientific and technical cooperation through joint research projects, expert exchange programs, training and holding conferences in the field of petroleum refining, oil field water treatment and aquaculture between Japanese research institutions, universities and Japan Cooperation Center , Petroleum (JCCP), and Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR). Both sides shared the importance of further promoting such cooperation and expanding it to include additional technological frontiers.
The Japanese officials plans to formulate a new energy and environment strategy with its cutting-edge technology, as well as its efforts towards "green innovation." Both sides stressed the importance of cooperation in renewable energy and energy conservation.
In this context, they also welcomed the significant progress in the project on solar integrated combined cycle between the Kuwaiti government and Japan 's Toyota Tsusho Corporation, and expressed their intention to render continuous support for the project. The two countries also agreed on cooperation in other areas, noting the importance of promoting defense exchanges and cooperation between the two countries, such as working-level exchanges and unit-to-unit ones, including goodwill training on the occasion of port calls of Japan Maritime Self-Defense Forces to Kuwait and of the Kuwaiti Navy to Japan.
Japanese side took note of Kuwait's offer to invite Self-Defense Force officials to the Kuwait Joint Command and Staff College. In addition, both sides decided to promote bilateral cooperation in the areas of education, culture, science and technology, and to further promote people-to-people exchange in these areas, including student exchange and such initiatives as Japanese language courses organized by the Japanese Studies Unit at Kuwait University.
They also welcomed the progress in technical cooperation for human resource development in Kuwait between Japan International Cooperation Center (JICE) and the Kuwaiti Civil Service Commission, and of cooperation regarding nanotechnology between Japanese researchers and the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR). Both sides welcomed the holding of a medical conference to promote Japan's advanced medical technology in Kuwait held in May 2011, and expressed their intention to advance cooperation in the medical field, including "medical exchange" between the two countries. Both sides expressed their willingness to promote cooperation on environmental protection between the Ministry of the Environment of Japan and the Environment Public Authority of Kuwait. Moreover, they acknowledged the importance of environmental awareness and expressed their intention to study the possibility of cooperation regarding the supervision and operation of the Environmental Awareness Center in Kuwait.
The Kuwaiti side appreciated the outcome of surveys on air and marine pollution in Kuwait which had been conducted by Japanese researchers.
Moreover, they reaffirmed their intention to continue to seek the possibility of bilateral cooperation on environmental issues, and to promote and support the "Kids' ISO 14000 Program," a Japanese-developed environmental education program.
On the tourism, the Kuwaiti side presented its proposal on waiver of visa requirements for Japanese and Kuwaiti diplomatic or official passport holders, seeking entry into the other country for diplomatic or official purposes, and the Japanese side took note of it. (end) mk.jy.rk KUNA 230932 Mar 12NNNN