H.E. Ambassador Mr. Al-Otaibi and Mrs. Al-Otaibi hosted a dinner in the company of Mr. and Mrs. Shigeo Matsutomi, Director General, Middle Eastern and African Affairs Bureau, MOFA

Kuwaiti Ambassador to Japan H.E. Mr. Abdul Rahman Al-Otaibi and Mrs. Al-Otaibi hosted a dinner in the company of Mr. and Mrs. Shigeo Matsutomi, Director General of Middle Eastern and African Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. At the opening remarks, H.E. Mr. Al-Otaibi conveyed his warm appreciation to Mr. Matsutomi’s warm support and kind cooperation to the Middle Eastern and African countries.
 In return, Mr. Matsutomi expressed his gratitude for this occasion and confirmed to further promote and enhance the friendly international ties among Japan, Middle Eastern and African countries.

Guests at the dinner:
- Mr. and Mrs. Shigeo Matsutomi, (Director General of Middle Eastern and African Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
- H.E. Mr. Saeed Ali Yousef AL-NOWAIS, Ambassador of the United Arab Emirates
- H.E. Mr. and Mrs. Ahmed ARAÏTA ALI, Ambassador of the Republic of Djibouti
- H.E. Dr. Abdulaziz A. Bin Almas TURKISTANI, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
- H.E. Mr. and Mrs. Yousef Mohamed BILAL, Ambassador of the State of Qatar
- H.E. Dr. and Mrs. Sayed Mohammad Amin FATIMIE, Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
- H.E. Mr. and Mrs. Elyes KASRI Ambassador of the Republic of Tunisia