The Amir of the State of Kuwait

His Highness Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmed Al-Jaber Al-Sabah

The Constitution of Kuwait defines the Amir as the "Head of the State" with his official title as "His Highness the Amir of the State of Kuwait". It also says that "the Amir will assume his authorities through his ministers, and his person shall be immune and inviolable. The Prime Minister and ministers shall be collectively responsible to the Amir for the general policy of the state. A law will not be issued until it is approved by the National Assembly and signed by the Amir." As Head of State, the Amir has the right to appoint the Prime Minister as also to relieve him of office. He also appoints and dismisses ministers on the recommendation of the Prime Minister. The Amir is also the Supreme Commander of the defence forces of Kuwait.

The present Amir of Kuwait is HH Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, fourth son of the late Sheikh Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, who was born in Kuwait on June 6, 1929, and educated in the schools of Kuwait and later completed his studies with private tutors.
His Highness Sheikh Sabah had been a leading political figure for the past four decades, and headed Kuwait`s diplomacy since 1963 when he became the country`s foreign minister.

His Highness Sheikh Sabah had taken up official duties when he was appointed on July 19, 1954, by the late Amir, Sheikh Abdullah Al-Salem Al-Sabah, as member of the Higher Executive Committee assigned with regulating operations in governmental departments and placing plans for their activities.

His Highness Sheikh Sabah was then appointed Chairman of the Department of Social Affairs and Chairman of the Department of Press and Publications in 1957, and after Kuwait`s declaration of independence on June 19, 1961, he was appointed director of both the Department Press and Publications and the Department of Social Affairs and Labor.

On August 26, 1961, the Higher Executive Committee - which carried out the duties of today`s cabinet - was formed and His Highness Sheikh Sabah became a member as chairman of the two departments, and late became member of the Constituent Assembly assigned with placing the Kuwaiti Constitution. When departments were regulated into ministries in November, 1962, His Highness Sheikh Sabah came to hold a number of ministerial positions, including Minister of Guidance and Information - later changed to the Ministry of Information.

His Highness Sheikh Sabah was also appointed head of the Kuwaiti delegations to the United Nations and the Arab League, and became Minister of Foreign Affairs and head of the permanent committee of Gulf aid in February, 1963.

As minister, His Highness Sheikh Sabah became a member of the National Assembly (parliament) since its establishment in 1963 and up to today, and witnessed the different constitutional events that took place during that period.

His Highness Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, had represented the late Amir, His Highness Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah in many local and international conferences and meetings in recent years.

As for the different ministerial positions that His Highness Sheikh Sabah held, he was First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs since the 16th Cabinet formed on October 18, 1998, and the 20th Cabinet formed on February 14, 2001.

His Highness Sheikh Sabah was acting Minister of Information from February 2, 1971 to February 3, 1975 in addition to his post as Minister of Foreign Affairs, and was appointed Deputy Prime Minister on February 16, 1978 in addition to his post as Minister of Foreign Affairs.

He was appointed Minister of Information on February 9, 1982 in addition to his posts as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of foreign Affairs, and relinquished his position as Minister of Information in 1985.

He was appointed Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs on March 3, 1985, and appointed as First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs on October 18, 1992.

On July 13, 2003, an Amiri decree was issued appointing him Prime Minister and assigning him to the formation of the new Cabinet.

His Highness Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah took oath in a special session after the demise of late amir HH Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, thus becoming Kuwait`s 15th Amir and commencing a new and bright era.